Some Of Our Bank AC Option
If you want to make International Bank transfer then send money to my following Bank A/C:
IBAN: ES6301280520450100033572,
A/C holder name: MD AHASAN UDDIN.
If you are in Spain then send money to my Spenish Bank:
La Caixa A/C: 2100 - 1120 - 61 - 0101410033
Caixa Catalunya A/C: 2013- 0129- 05- 0201946235
BBVA A/C: 0182 - 1746 - 23 - 0200116756
Bankinter A/C: 0128-0520-45-0100033572
All A/C holder name:- Md. Ahasan Uddin
If you are in Swden then Send money to my Swedish Bank:
My Swish mobile Number: 0764449098
My SEB Bank A/C: 5319-0184925
Lansforsakringar Bank A/C-90222082005
Please Contact with me before SIGN UP, If you can not pay me then you can not use my Service. Visa/ Master card payment is not integrated in my site. But you can pay me by verified paypal or Skrill Account. So Talk to me first before SIGN UP.